The Last Leaf

Batool un Nisa Basit


The Last Leaf

Inspirational Fiction

Written by : Batool un Nisa Basit

Once upon a time, a young girl lay in bed, stricken with a terrible illness.

One day, she asked her elder sister, who was gazing at the tree outside the window, “How many leaves are left on the tree?”
With tears in her eyes, the elder sister gently replied, “Why do you ask, my dear?”

The sick girl sighed and said, “Because I feel that when the last leaf falls, my days will come to an end.”
Her sister, trying to hide her sorrow, smiled and said, “Well, until that day comes, let’s enjoy our lives and make every day beautiful.”

Days turned into weeks, and one by one, the leaves fell. Finally, only one leaf remained.
The girl kept her eyes on that lone leaf, convinced that the day it fell, her illness would claim her life.

Autumn gave way to winter, and then a whole year passed, but that leaf still clung to the tree.

The girl found joy in her sister’s company and slowly began to recover. Her health improved day by day until she was completely well.

Overjoyed and curious, the first thing she did was rush outside to see the miraculous leaf that had defied the seasons.

To her astonishment, she discovered that it was not a real leaf at all but a plastic one, cleverly tied to the tree by her loving sister.

And so, the girl realized that it wasn’t the leaf’s resilience that had saved her, but her sister’s unwavering love and determination. They both laughed and embraced, knowing that sometimes, a little hope and a lot of love can work wonders.

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